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This Entry Was Authorized By All Concerned


In a phone conversation last Sunday, Miss G all but blurted out that when she came to dinner the following weekend, she would be bringing "someone." I was told the young man's name, and then, almost as an afterthought, his dietary preferences (happily identical to M le Neveu's). That was it. A name and a steak.

Today, I received a note from Miss G, retailing a few welcome basics, facts that will make it unnecessary to appear to grill our guest on Sunday. Questions such as "Where are you from?" "What do you do?" will not have to be asked. Everyone assures me that these things just come up on their own, but I don't have to count on that unlikelihood anymore. There was also a snapshot. I'd love to post it, but I'll have to ask permission for that, and permission will have to be asked in person. Let's just say that I've got two great smiles beaming out at me from a silver frame on my desk.

Man, am I happy!


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