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Star Wars

Good grief! Our refrigerator died in the night. We awoke to a groaning motor and a thawed freezer. It appears that my much-postponed icebox cleanup has been taken care of! The official repair people told me that they can't come until next week, prompting me to ask if I now live in a third-world country.

Something even more depressing: Ronald Reagan. Not so much Ronald Reagan himself - a charming opportunist with no particular agenda beyond preferring owners to workers - as the fact that a majority of Americans thought that he ought to be their country's president. This is still the most stupefying thing that has happened to me in my lifetime. His victory was the moment in which I asked myself, "But where can I go to, to be free? Where's my new world?"

The mirror that Ronald Reagan's election holds up to the nation that chose him, of all people, to lead it discloses a terrible disgrace.

Big Ideas>Books>Reagan in Space

The disadvantages of being a one-man band don't need to be spelled out. I can simply offer the following extract, which I have removed from today's page without even trying to fix it.

Reagan's actual cabinet and staff acted its part as well,  that would ordain seemed to believe that authority was not vested in himself. But to his aides he was the President, scrupulously respecting him as the leader of the free world.

"Would ordain seemed to believe" is the most appalling pile-up of verbs that I've ever let stand (I hope).


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