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And the First Annual Daily Blah-Blah Blah...

If there's one thing I'm tired of, it's contents that nobody has nominated me for. So I am going to bypass the nomination and voting procedures entirely and simply award the First Annual Daily Blague Christmas Photograph Award to David Olivier, a/ka/a Slimbo, for this picture-worth-thousand-character shot of his post-Katrina, post-mold hearth.


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Oh, gosh, I'm thrilled! But I was sure I wouldn't win so I didn't even prepare a speech. Well, I guess, first I'd like to thank Jesus for being born allowing us to have Christmas, and then I'd like to thank my parents for me being born, and of course the Army Corps of Engineers for building lousy levees which allowed my house to be flooded, and my contractor who did such a good job ripping out the walls, and,um,... oh, and, of course, the little people. I couldn't have done it without the little people. Thank you, RJ!

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