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At long last, I have embarked on a long-contemplated household project. To make room for recently-purchased CDs (where "recent" means "during the past year"), I have no choice but to "de-accession," and yet I'm loath to part with good recordings, even if I don't listen to them often. What to do?

It came to me in a vision. I would buy one of those large CD wallets - the kind that holds four to a "page." Then I would burn copies of the CDs that I planned to give away, and scan all the necessary booklet information. And, hey, it's working! I've removed one foot of jewel boxes from my shelves. And I've only just begun. The Martian-looking CD copier that has been gathering dust since last spring takes about three minutes tops to copy any CD. I wish that I could listen to the two dozen I've copied in that amount of time. So far, I've enjoyed the performances without being tempted to reconsider.

So far, each CD that I'm giving away contains duplicate recordings, which is to say that there's another performance in the collection that I prefer. Eventually, I shall have to dispose of unique recordings, but I've got more than a few, if I'm honest, that I am never going to spend any time with. But right now I'm more concerned with putting together a halfway rounded collection for Ms NOLA, who will be the first recipient of my castoffs. What she doesn't care for, I've encouraged her to give away, until the recordings find their natural homes, either with genuine music-lovers or with pack rats.


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