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The news from London has wrenched what was going to be a peaceful day into shards. My sympathies to everyone in London, victims and others alike, for having to live with the awful uncertainty that terrorism leaves in its wake.

It's ironic that the bombings occurred during the G8 summit in Scotland. Tony Blair says that the timing was intentional, and perhaps he's right - but that would not be ironic. What's ironic is that the time for G8 meetings has passed. It is time to start serious talks with Islamic leaders, serious open talks, so that all of us, we helpless playthings of the powerful, can see for ourselves what demands can and cannot be met.

Why do leaders who speak of refusing to capitulate to terrorism believe and expect that proud people will capitulate to foreign occupation? What are they thinking?


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I agree totally with what you wrote but the fact is that occupation for the good of the masses (camouflaging whatever economic interest is at its core) been a defining principle for the West for centuries. In the case of America, we are intent on being sure that democracy is spread whether the occupied like it or not. You are asking for centuries of economic self-interest to be set aside at a time when there are no leaders in the West. It gives one pause.

Can democracy be spread or is it just smoke to cover other agendas?

If it can be spread, the methods we've seen so far aren't working.

One of the basic principles of leadership is to lead by example.

What example has the developed world shown the resource rich underdeveloped world over the last hundred years, and particularly oil rich countries in the last sixty or so years? Is the current situation any surprise? Where has the developed western world led the rest of the world?

As you say, PPOQ, there are no leaders and it is a two edged sword that cuts to the heart of the neo-con nonsense since there are also no good examples to follow.

For leaders we substitute spokesmen who serve up spin and ideology instead of inspiring rhetoric and firm principle. For cooperation, encouragement and support we substitute rigid foreign policy, hideously one sided economic development programs and domination, by military occupation if necessary.

One of the basic principles of leadership is to lead by example.

What example has the developed world shown the resource rich underdeveloped world over the last hundred years, and particularly oil rich countries in the last sixty or so years? Is the current situation any surprise? Where has the developed western world led the rest of the world?

It does give one pause, indeed.

It might just be time to start talks instead of wars.

I'm totally agree with you. One can't export democracy to another country. It must come from within. Democracy is a long long procedure which need first civil society, respect to others belief and i think secular goverment. Look at Irak if ayatollah Sistani didn't collaborate with american nobody would vote. That mean this country is not ready yet. I know it's hard to believe.

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