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"Dancing The Night Away"

Joe Jervis has embarked on a series of posting disco numbers he regards as hits of the gay disco scene of the Seventies and Eighties. I listened to his first offering, Vogue's "Dancing The Night Away," which I'd never heard before, and thought that it was kind of sweet. Much, much sunnier and better-natured than most disco, and with a surprisingly relaxed tempo. While the song was playing, I thought I'd see if I could figure out how to download it, and it took nearly six minutes to do this. Then I had to check and see that the MP3 file would really play on my machine. When the song was over the second time, I got back to work. But I left the Music Match window open.

Hours later, I revisited the open window and clicked on the title, which, aside from a ghastly promo from Music Match that I got rid of right away, was the only title there. I must have been taking a little break, because I played FreeCell while the song played. Multitasking heaven: I hear pop music so much more intensely when I'm playing FreeCell. (There's a "Mozart Makes You Smarter" angle here somewhere.) I don't know how many games of FreeCell I played, nor how many times I repeated "Dancing The Night Away," but presently I became aware of a desire not to be doing anything else, ever.

Well, it's no surprise that Joe would start off with music as good-natured and generous as he is. But probably not quite as gay. I think Kathleen will really like it. Although not if this new addiction keeps me from broiling the lamb chops.

Kinky Update: It just occurred to me that these girls sound like Nicole Kidman. Presto: I can see the video, with Nicole singing right to me. I am eighteen. Jeeze.


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