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Late Afternoon Self-Promotion (Go Coquette!, though)

¶ Phew! Or rather, as my friend June Siegel says, "Writing begets writing." Item: I've just written two comments on Book Second, Chapter 1 that, together, rival the original in length. (How I flatter myself - it only took a little over two hours, and I do exaggerate, although it may not seem so to casual visitors; the link will take you to the first of all four comments, posted by JKM.) And that's only one of the day's productions. I also kicked off my third (and final) blog, which is designed for newcomers to the Blogosphere, such as, for example, my uncle, who asked me what the difference between a  blog and a Web site was. I've written about this before, but now there's an actual site to which such queries can be referred. I hope to move beyond fundamental soon, to address the issue of why you ought to comment more often! I had the greatest name for the site: BaedekerBlog: The Blogosphere on No Sweat a Day. But what d'you know, the venerable publisher of travel guides is still a thriving concern. At least I checked, but I really should have checked before configuring the site; I very nearly rendered this site inaccessible. In any case, send your analphabète friends and relations to Miss Gostrey's Guide: to Web Logs and Such.

La Coquette is having a high old time reporting on the fashion shows in Paris; she's vastly more entertaining than anything you'll see in the press.

¶ All haters and despisers of puns must rush to Zoe in Brussels for a thorough drubbing.


Once when I was living in Paris the friend of my visiting girlfriend showed up unannounced and uninvited. She became an ex-friend of my girlfriend when we insisted that she could not stay in my tiny little chambre de bonne, and I spent the better part of the afternoon tracking down a free hotel room somewhere, anywhere, in Paris. She had brought along a precious old Baedeker of Paris from probably around 1900. Utterly fantastic, with beautiful maps of now-defunct railway lines like the Petite Ceinture. Now I'd pay almost anything (within reason) to have it. And she was using it like any old battered Let's Go, toting it around and writing notes in it.

Wonder what became of Mme la Princesse...

Re link 'thorough drubbing' -- there is a priceless joke about a dead duck on "My Boyfriend is a ..............." Merci, BlagueMaitre.

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