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What Is Art?

Have you got all day? Here's a very long page about art and art criticism. What's amazing to me is that I seem to know what I'm talking about. I read the page now with a gate-keeper's eyes (to which I'm not entitled, either): what incredible impertinence!

There's one sentence, though, that I really don't understand.

We're wired, sadly perhaps, to distinguish the things that happened before our parents' generations from the things that happened earlier. We seek a richness of detail about what's closest to us.

I think that the first sentence is missing a "not" - "We're not wired." But I'm not sure that the sentence means anything. Every once in a while, I fall into fatuity. If you can figure out what I'm trying to say, let me know.

Audience>Beaux Arts>Art and Criticism.


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You will not like this but what you have said in the first sentence, reduced to logical statements is

A before B and C earlier than B
which is simply a tautology. I cannot use the context of the entire essay simply because time does not allow it at the moment but juding from the second sentence you might have intended to say
We're wired, sadly perhaps, to distinguish the things that happened before our parents' generations from the things that happened during and after our parents' generations. We seek a richness of detail about what's closest to us.
Where that thought could be completed by saying
It is simply the natural narcissim of the mind untrained in critical thinking.
The idea of saying
We're not wired, sadly perhaps, to distinguish ...
simply does not make sense in this context.

I'm really looking forward to reading the entire essay soon. I hope this was helpful and finds you well. And, if I'm totally in leftfield here I'm sure you will tell me right here, right soon, right?

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