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Following a custom inaugurated last year, I'm pointing visitors to older pages at Portico this month. In theory, this is a way of taking the month off. In practice, I don't get the month off at all. I still write the Book Review review, I still go to the movies. But there won't be any new book coverage, nor any Friday Fronts.

I'm going to start off with a page that went up in 2006, but it's a collation of the blog entries that I posted in January 2005, when the Daily Blague was in its third month. In essence, then, I'm cannibalizing old blog entries! But every time I read "A Week in Istanbul," I feel as though I'm walking down Istiklal Street on a red carpet that's being rolled out just for me. Past the "Luvr" apartment house and the "Markiz" pastry shop. Not to mention Robinson Crusoe Books.

¶ Yorkville High Street>Travels>A Week in Istanbul.


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