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In the Book Review

There's nothing in this week's Book Review that I want to rush out and buy, but that may be because my standards have gotten defensively high: I've neither the time nor the space for the books that currently await my attention.

Christopher Hitchens appears twice, once as the rather windsocky reviewer of a book about royalty, once as "the fatuous Hitchens," in John Irving's humongo piece about Günter Grass.

For the first time, I note that most of this week's review are not available online, even as "Times Select." What's that about?

A Soldier Once.


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Curious that you found most of the review unavailable on-line--because I've been too lazy to attempt to arrange home delivery of the Times to my current residence, I've had no alternative but to read it on-line and last Sunday's edition was no exception. I found Irving's review of Peeling the Onion to be insufferable. In my humble opinion, the Times should not publish reviews of books written by friends of the author--I prefer a little more objectivity in a critic. (That said, I will probably read the book, and probably would have even if it had received a negative review.)

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