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Guantánamo Blues

Guantánamo - if I have written very little about the detention of alleged terrorists there, that's because I don't understand the Bush Administration's vindictiveness. It's like waking up in a foreign country, only a foreign country more alien than I've ever visited. What is wrong with these people? Why do they behave the way they do?

On the surface, it seems easily enough explained. The Bushies opted for a "get tough" stance on "terrorists," and screwed it up, comme d'habitude. Then, being the bullies that they are, they couldn't relent, couldn't "lose face."

Now, in a move that seems a lot weirder than anything on Star Trek, they want to reduce attorney access to the detainees. The arguments, at least as retailed in the Times, make no sense whatever. And they are utterly what I would call un-American.

Who are these people? And I don't mean "the detainees."


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