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Taking Stock: Maladies Virtual and Otherwise

For over a week, I've been beset by two illnesses. A nasty cold morphed into something more gastro-enterological. Much discomfort, but nothing next to the plague of unknown spam that has created an uproar at my Web host. Don't ask me to explain, because it has something to do with MovableType and it can't just be MovableType because in that case I'd be reading about the scourge on blog after blog. Fortunately, I've found someone to give me a hand, but as I still don't really understand what the problem is, or how it happens, I'm far from content.

What I'm taking stock of this week, then, is my own vulnerability to maladies, corporeal and virtual. I don't really know which is worse. The physical illness is obviously more unpleasant, but the digital problems interfere with what I now regard as my professional life. Frankly, I'd rather have the intestinal cramps.

Light posting, at any rate, must be understood in these terms. I'm reluctant to write my customary swathes of prose if I can't promptly upload them. Lucky you.


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Fossil Darling's only comment is that you will have more time to watch "Mister Buddwing."

I think there is something in the air. This week has been like one of the 7 plagues, not just for me but for quite a number of my friends as well. Good luck with your website woes.

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