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What Do You Think?

Before settling down to work this morning, I followed an interesting link from Joe.My.God, and the result is a new group of photoblogs on my roster. Have a look! But by all means don't miss this incredible shot from Travis Ruse's site. I just can't get over the two cops, leaning against the upright beam with a symmetry befitting Castor and Pollux.

Late last night and early this morning, I read the December issue of Vanity Fair, which of course went to bed before Election Day. Surprisingly, the wonder-who-will-win note struck in many of the articles doesn't seem benighted. We can only hope that Michael Wolff is right when, having written off Rummy, he predicts that Henry Kissinger will "urge" the President to get rid of his Extravagantly Unattractive Vice President and replace him with John McCain. Intéressant.

Anyway, now that the elections are over, we can take up more benign controversies, such as Jason Kottke's new glasses. Follow the link to Flick'r and see which camp you're in: are the frames edgy or girly? And would you say that Mr Kottke has a round face? I sure wouldn't. Don't miss the comment that advises him to grow a Mohawk and "pierce everything."


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