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Having just learned a new word, "squicked," from Joe My God, I am happier than I can say to be able to use it, pronto, with reference to a detail in Janet Maslin's review of Michael Bamberger's The Man Who Heard Voices: Or How M Night Shyamalan Risked His Career on a Fairy Story.

I am so totally squicked by the 80 ***** ****!


I would say that the eighty pound ovarian cyst does not hold a candle to the the absolute squickiness of the Onomotopoeia section of the Wiktionary definition of squick. Perhaps I have simply been exposed to much more clinical and surgical medicine than bizzarre sexual practice. Revulsion and revolting I think will serve my needs for a long time until I have to resort to using squick. Once you have particpated in suctioning a particularly nasty open head wound in surgery and appreciated having heard someone say, "Well, there goes high school", in response to a rather strained noise from the suction machine descriptions of eighty pound cysts are just not very revolting. This squick thing is an aspect of necrophilia I could have done without, necrophilia itself being sufficiently revolting in my mind much like Night's work. Oh Yes! You cannot, absolutely cannot, think about squick in any productive way without being aware of Squee which of course means you must read comic books and God knows no one here would read Jhonen Vasquez on a bet, I'm sure. But, if you do, then you will know what it would mean to be squee'ed, eh? We'll let wiser heads work on the correct spelling.

What unspeakable horrors, comic books. Indeed!

Perhaps, all I really need is a nice ride with the top down to the Bolivar Ferry and back, eh?

Un jour nous serons victorieux au dessus des escaliers, n'est-ce pas?

Le maître de l'esprit de l'escalier,


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