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It was an awfully pleasant surprise to read through MS Smith's response to the following meme, which I would call Sum, because it's a lovely pun in this context, and find my own name at the bottom!

  • I am writing every day. When I am not writing, I am thinking how whatever it is that I am doing would look in prose. Curiously, this doesn't make me self-conscious: the focus is on what I'm doing or what it's doing to me. I, as such, hardly exist.
  • I want a couple of weeks in Saltaire.  
  • I wish that you would think twice before turning on the TV. 
  • I hate multitasking. It's a mirage, snake-oil, nonsense. 
  • I love Paris. Also a few people whom I won't embarrass. 
  • I miss going to debutante parties. Mine was a shallow, carefree youth. Actually, it was as wretched as anybody's, but at deb parties, I perked up. I only went to two.
  • I fear the malignities of the Internet and other networks. I live in dread of viruses, glitches, outages, blackouts.
  • I hear Keith Jarrett at the Cellar Door Sessions, which I know about thanks to the gent who tagged me.
  • I wonder where we come from, but it stops at wonder. If you think you know, don't tell me.
  • I regret not taking better care of myself when I was young.
  • I am not good with numbers. If you remember BASIC, then my saying that I read figures as strings rather than as numbers may shed some light on the problem.
  • I dance in the foyer with Kathleen whenever Dave Brubeck's cover of "Stardust" starts to play.
  • I sing much less than I whistle. Strangely, my whistling does not drive Kathleen crazy; she rather likes it.
  • I cry all the time, particularly at happy endings.
  • I am not always as civil as I ought to be.
  • I make with my hands breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I also do a hell of a lot of typing.
  • I write exclusively at my desktop, at my desk. I have a laptop, but I find the larger keyboard far more convenient, and, perhaps because I'm getting older, writing is something that I do in one place. On a very nice day, it's nice to write at the table on the balcony, but it's even nicer to read, or just to sit and listen to the city.
  • I confuse "right" and "left" all the time. See? I just put "left" to the right of "right."
  • I need a part-time librarian to help me with my books. I can't find anything.
  • I should keep it down to two martinis at bedtime and work harder on my French. 
  • I start conversations whenever possible.
  • I finish every book that I read, eventually. 
  • I tag Ms NOLA, Tom, Max (on his own or for Amy), and George. But feel free to steal the list.


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Very nice, RJ. I really enjoyed reading that, especially this: "I wish that you would think twice before turning on the TV". One reason I don't watch very much television is because when I do watch it I always feel I should be doing something else.

Glad you picked up The Cellar Door Sessions and are enjoying it.

Make connections wherever, whenever and with whatever you encounter. Your one truly sterling trait that you did not list. For this alone I read here. TV, that's a hospital room appliance, right?

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