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Baked Napkins

Hmm! What's that in the oven?

Table napkins. Freshly washed and ironed but still somewhat damp table napkins.

Don't you find it easier to iron damp napkins and handkerchiefs? Or - doesn't the problem come up in your household? It does in ours, anyway, and there's nothing that's unpleasant in quite the same way as a damp napkin. You'd think that the ironing would dry them out, but it doesn't, and despite what everyone says about the Saharan lack of humidity in New York apartments, I find that napkins don't dry out for four or five days if left to their own devices.

I had the idea of drying them out in the oven during the worst of the winter, when I keep the kitchen warm with a slow oven. I put the napkins on cake racks, one of which is just the right size to slide in between the oven's own racks. Then I forget about them until I need the oven for the baking of food.

Nobody asked, but I think that this is the nuttiest thing that I do.

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