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1. The Fuentidueña Apse is on Exchange, not Permanent, Loan from Spain. Maybe its presence in New York is not to be taken for granted. (The rest of the Fuentidueña church still lay in ruins in 1963, according to the wonderful guide book, no longer available, written by the museum's designer and first director, James J Rorimer.) Above, the exterior of the Apse. 

2. The figure on the Apse's half-dome is not "a glorious painted Christ." It is actually many figures, centered on a Madonna and Child.

3. Wherefore "five cloisters"? From the guide book. "The original plan of the museum was developed around elements of the cloisters of five French monasteries..." That may well be, but there are only four cloisters at The Cloisters. In order of age, St Guilhem, Cuxa, Bonnefont, and Trie. There's a small food concession in the Trie Cloister now, and nice little tables and chairs for comesting. Ms NOLA, who had had  a tough week, was so hypnotized by the gurgling of the fountain that she fell asleep and had a little nap.

More on Monday. I've got the ironing to do.


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