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Apologies to the friends whose comments to Friday's entry were accidentally deleted yesterday. I was fighting off a storm of comment spam, and in the course of deleting comments twenty at a time, I inadvertently knocked off a few that were the very opposite of spam. Désolé! Three of them were birthday wishes to Kathleen. Kathleen thanks everyone for the good wishes and hopes to comment to that effect herself.

Happily, I did nothing Saturday but read The Nine Tailors, my favorite Dorothy Sayers mystery. Friday and Sunday, however, were unusually busy. Friday was full of interest; yesterday was full of something else; when I wasn't clearing out the comment spam, I was restoring order to the apartment after the long-awaited departure of a convertible sofa. A little bit emptier, the place seems much more spacious.

More about Friday anon (above).


I remember a convertible sofa, but, surely not....any gate, Happy Birthday Kathleen!

The sofa has a happy new home. Rest assured.

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