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On the Worstness of Democracy, Except for All the Other Forms of Government

Andrew Sullivan has published bits of email in which two of his readers attempt to calm him down about torture. (To his credit, Mr Sullivan can't be calmed.) It is very hard to read the snips without wishing that the people who wrote them had never been taught to read and write. What is the point of an education if it produces a mind capable of the following silliness - which would be silliness tout court if it were not attached to a voter's hand:

Since you want to continue to wallow in the Abu Ghraib "torture" allow me to point out a number of observations. Firstly, I pride myself on a skill that involves the dissection of pictures that would appear to portray certain things. I've looked carefully at the Abu Ghraib human "pyramid" and my assessment is that the prisoners in that particular picture are complicit in this so-called "torture". I see a scenario wherein the guards say; "Hey, lets have some fun, you guys get naked and get into a pile and we'll get some pictures". Some say absolutely not and do not participate. Others say "Okay but we need to hide our faces". Hence the pictures depict hooded prisoners

I'd love to know where this creep went to school. That he - almost certainly a "he" - hasn't been snapped up by the MSM for his "skill" at analyzing photographs must tax his little brain. "Firstly," "wherein," "Hence" - fancy, bogus usage that's as off as spoiled milk. The best part, of course, is the speculation about prisoners who refused to "participate": because there aren't any photographs of them, the entire romp was purely optional. Whee! Nothing short of encephalectomy will fix these circuits.

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