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Loose Links (Tuesday)

Kathleen is spending her evenings this week "at the printer." What does this mean, you ask? Securities lawyers in the United States spend many crucial hours (often quite wee) supervising the printing of prospectuses and other documents required by law. And not only required by law, but required by law to be utterly accurate. But they do not, as a rule, go anywhere near actual printing presses. In the virtual tour that follows, you will see the pleasant Midtown offices of Capital Printing. That's where you'll find the lawyers. The presses are in New Jersey. Take the tour now.

Fistful of Euros is hosting a "Best European Blogs" competition - only, they're calling it the "Silk Pajama Awards." There are nearly twenty categories, and when you vote for the best in any one of them, the choices are replaced with colorful bar graphs showing the results so far (this also makes it impossible to vote again). I wonder if I have any business voting, for I'm not familiar with most of the candidates. But the rosters will introduce you to many interesting sites (and eat up hours of your afternoon). My favorite blog title: The Glory of Carniola.

Just for fun: Photoshopped images from the Mars mission. Edward, of Obsidian Wings, is right: the one with the camel is the best.


I used to envy my colleagues their time at the printer--they always got such lovely gifts from the printers (not to mention access to impossible-to-get tickets to theatrical and sporting events). Small compensation, to be sure, for sleep deprivation, but is that still the case?

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