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January 31, 2005

Loose Links (Monday)


¶ If 2004 was the Year of the Blog, then 2005 ought to be the Year of the Needles. Everybody's knitting! And not just sweaters, either. How about the nasty little creature to the right? How, for the matter of that, about a knitted radiator (yes, it works). How about guerilla knitting, even? Kathleen used to laugh about flight security restrictions that prohibit metal knitting needles from carry-on luggage, but I'm wondering if her plastic needles are any less harmful? A person could knit a noose!

¶ Readers of the Times's Styles Section yesterday will have seen the gorgeous green eyes of Leta Armstrong, daughter of the author of Dooce. That would be Heather, who proves that if you can write well, it really doesn't matter what you write about. But the comment by Molly Jong-Fast, daughter of Erica Jong, reminds us of another literary truth: autobiographical writers, like novelists and short-story writers, are professionally engaged in the violation of their loved-ones' privacy. When Leta begins to remember things, Ms Armstrong may want a few guidelines.

¶ Have a look at Jack Shafer's attempt, in Slate, to puncture the balloon of Web lob triumphalism. I must say that agree with the point of his argument: it is silly to predict the marvels of a new technology. Much wiser to let them unpack their little surprises slowly. It's much too early to talk sensibly about the future of blogging; nobody begins to know enough.

Posted by pourover at January 31, 2005 11:54 AM

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